Compare Osmo
Advantages: Osmo Makes The Difference
- The surface can be easily renovated; for re-application simply apply another coat after several years. No sanding is necessary!
- Osmo Polyx Oils protect the wood from in and outside, does not form a film and forms a protecting, microporous, hardwearing and extremely durable surface!
- With just one tin of Osmo you can achieve near double the square meter coverage of an ordinary finishing system – saving you time and money!
- Based on natural and renewable vegetable oils, with a very low-VOC content, the products are environmentally friendly!
- Protects the wood from inside and outside.
- Does not form a film.
- Forms a protecting, microporous surface.
Traditional Oils
- Protects the wood from within.
- Does not form a film.
- Does not form a protecting surface.
- Protects the wood from outside.
- Forms a film on surface.
- Generates a thick layer.
Osmo oil and wax based finishes:
- The finish both penetrates into the wood and lays on the surface.
- ‘Firing’ of the wood.
- Can be easily partially renovated.
- Does not crack, flake, peel or blister.
- Great fluid resistance.
- Easy maintenance.
Traditional Oils
Oil based finishes.
- Penetrate into the wood.
- ‘Firing’ of the wood.
- Can simply and partially be renovated.
- Do not crack, flake, peel or blister.
Lacquers and water based finishes.
- The finish forms a film/layer on the top of the wood surface.
- Good resistance against liquids.
- Protects from abrasion.
- Easy maintenance.
One System, all the advantages
Perfect optic, easy to maintain, great chemical resistance and extremely durable.
Traditional Oils
- Deficient resistance against liquids.
- Very time-consuming maintenance.
- For renovation the whole area needs to be sanded.
- The surface cannot be renovated partially.
- The finish does crack, flake, peel and blister.
Summary of Products
Perfect optic, easy to maintain, great chemical resistance and extremely durable.
Traditional Oils
Ugly water marks can quickly appear due to insufficient resistance against liquids.
To renovate a floor, the varnish or lacquered surface must always be sanded down.