9203 Basalt GreyTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9205 PatinaTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9206 Light OakTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9207 Quartz GreyTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9211 White SpruceTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9212 Silver PoplarTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9221 PineTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9235 Red CedarTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9236 LarchTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9241 OakTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9261 WalnutTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9262 TeakTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9264 RosewoodTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
9271 EbonyTransparentUV-Resistance:★★★
Elements® Transparent Colours
Custom mix from a range of 120 colours at your nearest Osmo Supplier store with a Tinting System.
The colour range is inspired by the four elements of nature; air, earth, fire and water. Order the printed Elements® Colour Card for free, for a true colour match representation before your purchase.